I would wish this feature (Active directory Integration on S-Series) be added, where you don't need to create a new user on Active Directory, then go back and create the same user on LDAP. Phone directory should have the capability of syncing contacts with their extensions from the Active Directory.
Riddhe M do you mean something like "sync the AD contact data to PBX LDAP"? At the same, the IP phone could use the contact data of PBX LDAP and AD?
David Rogers It would not use the contact data from both systems, the data in the Yeastar LDAP database should be populated from the AD LDAP system. Enter the data only once in AD and it is available in the Yeastar LDAP system. It should be simple to implement.
David Rogers You can import LDAP information from a CSV file and AD uses standard LDAP protocols that can be securely exposed to third-party applications. Why has this not been implemented already?
Rodney Wilder I requested this a number of years ago. We are basically looking for a simple user identity management and synchronization system.
Create/import users from LDAP and link them to the ldap directory for authentication requests.
Eric Jiang Hi Rodney, Do you want the PBX to sync the contacts from the AD and create extensions automatically?
Rodney Wilder Eric, if by contact you mean company employee/user then yes. We want to import and synchronize users from LDAP with their name, direct dial, username, extension (ldap phone attribute), mail attribute, etc. Most systems that support importing and syncing from a central directory would use the ldap ipPhone attribute to point to the PBX as part of the provisioning
Once user is imported and synced to an LDAP user, the authentication request for password in user portal etc would redirect from the PBX to the LDAP so their corporate directory service would handle the password authentication and any password updates.
Once this is all done, generally only other options to set on user in PBX is the phone itself with model and mac address, any button templates, and voicemail unless part of group template.
And by AD we mean any standard LDAP so need to support both MS proprietary AD LDAP, and openldap/ EDirectory etc. not everyone uses Microsoft infrastructure.