Hi, all... I am new in yeastar and voip as a whole and in my company under unforeseen circumstances I found myself having to expand and work on this field. Few days ago there was a request by one of our clients to upload the new greeting to their s100 system. by default, all calls were routed to the extension number(reception) and everything was still working fine. So I had to route all incomings to the IVR, where they will go through this greeting, I tested and everything was ok... There was the problem the recording so I took it down and routed all incoming calls back to default "Extension", everything test is passed except the when the HQ dials in. This company has the HQ in another country. All calls go through this system well except from HQ, does anybody has an idea of what I am missing? Thanks.
Oscar Colka What kind of trunks do you have for the incoming calls? If they are SIP trunks, you may check if the incoming call has arrived at the PBX or not, by checking the pcap logs and see if there is any SIP INVITE packets coming in when HQ dial in.
If they are not SIP trunks, I would suggest you to get asterisk CLI logs and see what would be the problem.
I would suggest you to get some logs for the community to understand your issue better.
how to get CLI logs:
Larry Neblett What happens when HQ dials the site?
What number or how do they normally call the site?
Do you have an inbound rule that addresses the HQ?
Thabo Kalabe Pictures above shows what I have Oscar. Thanks for the response.
Thabo Kalabe Hi Larry, same digits they used to use... now the phone is silent after dialing the number
Larry Neblett What trunk does HQ use?