for some time, it happens that on phones (yealink t27 and t 23) the blf function disappears.
I'll explain.
for example, a system with s20 and 7 yealink t27, worked regularly for 2 months, and now the keys configured as blf do not display the status. to resume I have to restart the phones.
this had never happened to me until 6 months ago
Larry Neblett firmware version on s20 and phones?
Gregery Armbrust I have 20 plus T27G On a S50 no issues running all the latest software/firware
Alexandre Tremblay I have the same issue. S-100 PBX with 40 T27G phone.
T27G firmware: T27G-
When a reboot the phone every blf resume correctly.
Larry Neblett The issue may be related to any number of things.
The first thing to consider is the number of phones and the number of BLFs associated to each. As the Yeastar system does not yet support (BLF) Eventlsts, the amount of messaging grows significantly. For every status change there is a notify followed by an OK and then an Ack. So, as you can see, a single change across 40 devices may create as many as 120 messages which because they are unicast, are sent in sequence. If you have a busy system, this can be an issue with system CPU load and conceivably as their are so many changes it is hard to send that many messages such that all phones can stay in sync. A ring group is a perfect example- so if you have one with 5 phone set to ring simultaneously and all phones have a BLF for all others set. The call coming in will ring at all 5 extensions which in turn will cause a notify to be generated for each of the 5 ringing phones to be sent to the other 39 phones. So, 5 phones in the RG X 39 notifies to the other phones = 195 messages. This is followed by 39 phones responding back to the 5 changes for another 195 messages and then 5 acks being sent back to the 39 phones to complete the cycle for another 195 messages which does not take into account the messaging for the incoming call or whatever else is happening. to mention the messaging in the incoming call and whatever else may be happening. So, almost 600 messages to accommodate 1 call.
2nd is the local network and its ability to reliably transport messages. A failure is oftentimes attributable to congestion which may cause dropped packets and/or delivery of packets out of order. If for some reason the system sends a notify to an extension and the extension does not OK the receipt, then the system may consider the phone as being off-line and will no longer send messages to what it considers to be a non-existent target. This assumes that the subscription period is still valid. When you reboot the phone, this renews the subscription and thus the BLFs appear as synchronized. Is QoS setup and enabled on the network?
Alexandre Tremblay Yes, QoS is enable. Its not happen on all BLF extension.
For example, the operator have a extension module on T46S Yealink, and sometime the BLF for some user hang.
The CPU of the PBX and the network use is low....
Larry Neblett QoS in enabled in the switches? What make of switch?
There is not going to be a solution until you find the cause. You might check the Yealink site and see what others have indicated about it as it could be a firmware issue as well. I indicated it could stress the CPU, but as I do not know much about the system and utilization indexes are usually averaged and do not show spikes, it is hard to say.
You will need to run a network capture and hope to have all BLF working on the receptionist extension and hope that while the capture is running that the condition will arise. Then you can see what was there or not in the messaging.
Alexandre Tremblay Ok Larry. Its a DATTO Switch. I will do a packet capture from the phone and the pbx when the problem will be back.
I also think is a firmware bug from yealink....
Larry Neblett You have to do it before the problem starts so that you capture the issue when and as it occurs.