I am very interested in integrating with Microsoft Teams. Many Companies have developed portals in their VOIP cloud based PBX systems to connect with Microsoft Teams. to stay competitive with existing companies that offer Portals with MS Teams Yeastar should look very closely into developing their own Portal.
Riddhe M Hey James, I would like to know what is the advantage to connect MS team. As I haven't heard it before, looks like a cooperation service.
James Newton Microsoft Teams is a replacement software Microsoft will use to replace Skype for Business. Teams provides a direct link to Outlook, and many other office products. If you have a phone number in excel or word Teams will Dial that number. Microsoft Teams Host Audio, Video, Chat and Conferencing from any place you log in. You can Communicate Effectively with your work force, your customer base and your vendors on the go or in the office. Setting on the beach with a small tablet running windows 10 taking calls and answering questions while catching rays. Hiking in the mountains with your cell phone giving you a full update on any activity at work.
Teams will empower corporate workers to build better communications faster with unlimited connectivity on the go or setting at a desk drinking your coffee. I know sounds like a cheese Commercial but it really works. I just refuse to pay for cloud service when I can have a solid PBX in my facility MY way. Yeastar has proven they are a very competitive product and with some improvement they could take over in almost any Company any size hosting very clear clean phone systems.
This has been an unpaid Commercial for both Microsoft Teams and Yeastar, Stay tuned for more Commercials from yours truly.
Riddhe M Hi James, Yeastar offers the solution for Teams here: https://help.yeastar.com/en/s-series/topic/integrate-yeastar-pbx-with-microsoft-teams.html