Would be great if the voicemail was visual so the user could us the screen to select voicemail message delete ect
Riddhe M It's possible to do that, just check this out: https://help.yeastar.com/en/s-series/topic/check_voicemail_messages.html
Each extension has its own web login interface to review its voicemail. (just use the extension or voicemail and user password configured on the extension page to login)
Gregery Armbrust Riddhe Thanks for the info I did forget about that mebeing new to Yeastar, It still would be great to see it on the call display for users that may not have a PC or say its shut down for the day and they wanted to check real quick. I install Allworx phone systems as well and they have this feature and customers seem to like it along with visual presence settings on the handsets
Riddhe M Hi Gregery, do you any reference links that I could learn how the feature works so that I could understand better.
Thanks. Also Yeastar PM might got more information.
Graham Hill Many phones will show what you want as a configuration of the phone itself. For example, the Yealink phones can be configured to show a flashing red LED at the top corner of the display, as well as a LCD message telling the user there is voicemail.
Oliver Langhauser It would be an awesome feature for the Linkus Client.