On the Inbound route screen, can you please add a column to show the first destination. It is very time consuming trying to find where a DID goes by having to open each route to see the destination. If the First, or only, destination can be shown in the list before the way Caller ID pattern is it would be very helpful.
Riddhe M Make sense! It would be better if we have this, that would be convenient.
amber Hi Ron,
Thanks for your advice.
I want to know your use scenario more detail. Do you enable the time condition in Inbound Route? If yes, do you have many destination? -
Ron Romano Yes many times I have set multiple destinations for a single incoming route. I just want to see the default destination, or the first destination so when I am looking for a route to change its easy to find.The name of the route is irrelevant to me, but the destination is what is important. I can't always know how to name a route, and if I am importing numbers I'm not going to name them all before I upload, I don't know what they will do before hand most times. If I see the default or first destination I can manage the system better.