New function Follow me to External Number (302 moved) with MyPBX S



please look at 
Ticket ID: 201815347

Če želite prenesti slike, kliknite tukaj z desno miškino tipko. Outlook je preprečil samodejni prenos teh slik iz interneta, da bi pomagal zaščititi vašo zasebnost.
Shay Zhu

Shay Zhu (Yeastar)

Sep 19, 19:59 CST

Dear Simeon‍,
Thanks very much for your update!

The requirement you request is a good feature, however we are sorry to tell you that we have no plan to add this feature recently. 
Could you please submit your requirment on our Feature Request web? When we are plan to add feature we will add your request firstly. 
Have a great day!

Very Best Regards.
Shay Zhu| Technical Support| helpdesk@yeastar.com
Website: http://www.yeastar.com
Ticket system: https://support.yeastar.com



Če želite prenesti slike, kliknite tukaj z desno miškino tipko. Outlook je preprečil samodejni prenos teh slik iz interneta, da bi pomagal zaščititi vašo zasebnost.
Simeon Kok

Simeon Kokelj

Sep 19, 18:48 CST



now I've downgraded MyPBX S from existing to in my lab .

It's seems, that procedure is ok.


But anyway I'm scared about functionality.


Please, could you be so helpful to develop new SW e.g. for that function Follow me to External Number (302 moved)?






From: Shay Zhu [mailto:support@yeastar.zendesk.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 10:39 AM
To: Simeon Kokelj
Subject: Re: New function Follow me to External Number (302 moved) with MyPBX S


Če želite prenesti slike, kliknite tukaj z desno miškino tipko. Outlook je preprečil samodejni prenos teh slik iz interneta, da bi pomagal zaščititi vašo zasebnost.
Shay Zhu

Shay Zhu (Yeastar)

Sep 18, 16:38 CST

Dear Simeon‍,
Thanks very much for your quick reply!

If you wanna to support 302 move, is the only way to achieve this.
Downgrade won't cause problems since we are testing that many times.
Downgrade will only affect newer functions in compared to
Have a great day!

Very Best Regards.
Shay Zhu| Technical Support| helpdesk@yeastar.com
Website: http://www.yeastar.com
Ticket system: https://support.yeastar.com



Če želite prenesti slike, kliknite tukaj z desno miškino tipko. Outlook je preprečil samodejni prenos teh slik iz interneta, da bi pomagal zaščititi vašo zasebnost.
Simeon Kok

Simeon Kokelj

Sep 18, 15:35 CST



but I'm worried about downgrade existing to

There can be any problems.


What do you suggest me in this case (procedure)?



Simeon Kokelj

Sistemski serviser/ Telecommunication Service


Kron Telekom, d.o.o.


Koroška 20, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia

phone: +386 (0)4 28 00 486, fax: +386 (0)4 28 00 454,

e-mail: simeon.kokelj@kron-telekom.si,

website: www.kron-telekom.si


From: Shay Zhu [mailto:support@yeastar.zendesk.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 9:19 AM
To: Simeon Kokelj
Subject: Re: New function Follow me to External Number (302 moved) with MyPBX S


Če želite prenesti slike, kliknite tukaj z desno miškino tipko. Outlook je preprečil samodejni prenos teh slik iz interneta, da bi pomagal zaščititi vašo zasebnost.
Shay Zhu

Shay Zhu (Yeastar)

Sep 18, 15:18 CST

Dear Simeon‍,
Thanks very much for contacting us!

I have discussed your request with our R&D department.
They have only developed 1 beta version that could support 302 move in so far, and no further plan for another beta version.
So you may have to continue use for customers need.
Have a great day!

Very Best Regards.
Shay Zhu| Technical Support| helpdesk@yeastar.com
Website: http://www.yeastar.com
Ticket system: https://support.yeastar.com



Če želite prenesti slike, kliknite tukaj z desno miškino tipko. Outlook je preprečil samodejni prenos teh slik iz interneta, da bi pomagal zaščititi vašo zasebnost.
Simeon Kok

Simeon Kokelj

Sep 18, 03:36 CST



We are very grateful, that one year ago you successfully developed beta version for MyPBX S ( and two years ago Standard V6/V7 ( and MyPBX U100 ( for new function Follow me to External Number (302 moved)! Thanks.


But we have another request/question for "newer" MyPBX S-Series

I've tested with Model S300 with the latest SW, but I can't find solution. We have a lot of customers, who want that funcion.


Please, could you develop beta version with the same new function - for that S-Series?


Could you read all three e-mails below?


Thanks again.



Simeon Kokelj

Sistemski serviser/ Telecommunication Service


Kron Telekom, d.o.o.


Koroška 20, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia

phone: +386 (0)4 28 00 486, mobile: +386 (0)41 401 886,

e-mail: simeon.kokelj@kron-telekom.si,

website: www.kron-telekom.si

Simeon Kokelj

Dec 4, 20:19 CST


now I've tested on our device new firmware beta version, which support 302 move.

All three Call Forwardings works good: Always, No Answer amd When Busy - mobile side C see true A-number.




Simeon Kokelj

Sistemski serviser/ Telecommunication Service

Kron Telekom, d.o.o.

Koroška 20, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia

phone: +386 (0)4 28 00 486, fax: +386 (0)4 28 00 454,

e-mail: simeon.kokelj@kron-telekom.si,

website: www.kron-telekom.si (http://www.kron-telekom.si)



Lisa Guo (Yeastar)

Dec 1, 15:25 CST

I've got a good news for you. Our engineer developed a beta version that could support 302 move, please follow the steps below in order to test on your device.
1. save a backup file of on your PC desktop in case we need to restore this backup for your future needs;
2. download the firmware version, do not unzip it, afterwards, please upload the .bin file in order to update

Let me know the test result, thanks.

Best Regards,

Lisa Guo | Technical Support Engineer | helpdesk@yeastar.com


Simeon Kokelj

Nov 30, 04:25 CST


Yes I mean that function 'call forward', but also function Follow me to External Number (302 moved) that mobile side see right A-number.

For example:

external number (mobile side A e.g. 042800486) --> call to MyPBX S100 via sip trunk to extension 901 (phone B e.g. 059693901) --> which has always forward to external number (another mobile side C e.g. 041401886)

and mobile side C (041401886) see wrong number - B number or "Caller ID number on trunk" (059693900) instead A number (042800486).

Abby Lin successfully developed beta version for MyPBX Standard V6/V7 ( and MyPBX U100 ( for that new function Follow me to External Number (302 moved)! See attached mail.

Is there any option to develop version with the same new function - for that S-Series?

Thanks again.


Simeon Kokelj

Sistemski serviser/ Telecommunication Service

Kron Telekom, d.o.o.

Koroška 20, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia

phone: +386 (0)4 28 00 486, fax: +386 (0)4 28 00 454,

e-mail: simeon.kokelj@kron-telekom.si,




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