Please we need to read the caller from pbx(s100), if i dail ext. 1003 it say on display just 1003, it wont read the name from pbx and display, inorder to do that i need to save the names on all the phones. however the receiver will get the name from pbx, this need to be implemented and its a basic things available on all others pbx.
Oscar Colka Faiz, which brand of phone and model did you test with and which setting on S PBX did you setup?
Please see what I changed on S PBX and what the results with Yealink T27P, it works fine.
Faiz Hidayathulla ok, we are getting name on the receiver side, what i need is on the calling phone not reading ext. name from S PBX.
Oscar Colka See if LDAP feature could help:
Faiz Hidayathulla Its not easy to do on each phone and we have lot remote extension and we use to update the names on extension quite ofen, just i need to i need the extension name to read from pbx on caller side same as the receiver side. pls consider this to implement in next firmware if possible
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