Hello everyone, It is necessary for our company to monitor our S50 via SNMP. I kindly request SNMP support in the next releases, also with it's release we would need the corresponding MIB file.
I'm actually using LibreNMS for network monitoring, their team is very helpful and could add support to their system for your PBX systems.
Andres Rahn Hey, I think we are already past due this request. You won't have a serious product until your clients can monitor it. In fact, It's something BASIC for any hardware plattform. But what bothers me the most is that nobody from Yeastar replied to this message since my post in Novembe! I won't be recommending and/or selling your product until I see from you some feedback and a basic feature Implementation like this. I hope you take this seriously enough from now on.
Rob I fail to understand why this has taken so long, its a standard feature really and all the hard work (snmpd and mibs) are publicly available. I would have tested my own implementation of this already but without sudo privilege via ssh you are extremely limited in what you can do.
PalMac Hi Oscar,
every of my customers had own commercial or open-source monitoring solutions and NEED to have SNMP support on S50. They did not want to use as new monitoring solutions named Remote Management from the Yeastar. And the monitoring via cloud is not acceptable in closed system, then what possibility has the customer ?Best Regards
Pavol -
Oscar Colka +1
Rob Agreed - this is a much needed feature.
Carlo van Dongen This is realy a hard thing, sodu privilege is needed for more comom things and it is strage that you can do nothing.
Vladimir Blinov I use The Dude from Mikrotik. Only S50 not support SNMP. You lose to other companies. Many small companies are deploying monitoring systems. you decide to act like GRANDSTREAM? Please answer me. Is it important for me to put your equipment to customers who need monitoring? Or search other ... I use MyPbx 8 year. in MyPBX Standard SNMP is avilable!
Oscar Colka Hey Guys,
I found yeastar is planning to release a new feature named Remote Management, this sound like similar to SNMP, maybe this can replace the SNMP feature.
Take the video for reference:
PalMac Hallo Yeastar,
the SNMP is a standar protocol supported by every serious vendor, and needed for every customer monitoring solutions.
What can I answer the customer if they want add the S50 to their global monitoring, that they can use only Yours internal monitoring inside the S50 ???
How wrote Vladimir, I use too MyPbx U100 more that 6 years in one company and there was supported SNMP protocol.Then please allow or integrate this base functionality finally!
Oscar Colka Yeastar now has Remote Management, it helps me a lot. I can not live without SNMP. : )
Vladimir Blinov Oscar,
SNMP this is the standard. I do not want to use the Cloud. I want to integrate the station into my monitoring system -
PalMac Hi Oscar,
any new news about implementing SNMP support for Yeastar S50 ?
Because my customers still waiting.
Best Regards
Pavol -
PalMac Hi Oscar,
any new news about implementing SNMP support for Yeastar S50 ?????
This is really base and standard functionality which is supported by most vendors on many cheapers devices!
Because my customers still waiting more that a 1/2 year.
And as I wrote before they use own monitoring in closed infrastructure without internet connectivity therefore yours cloud monitoring is not acceptable solution.
Best Regards
Pavol -
Vladimir Blinov Pavol, forgot about us :)
I can not use my monitoring system (Mikrotik The Dude) -
Vladimir Blinov I use - Linux Server (Ubuntu, Centos) , Wndows Server , Allied Telesys , Mikrotik, Fujitsu, HP.
I can keep track of all the equipment .
Please add Asterisk module res_snmp
for example :
/etc/snmp/snmpd.confagentAddress udp:
view asterisk included .
view asterisk included .
view asterisk included .
view asterisk included .
view asterisk included .
view asterisk included . public -V asterisk
rwcommunity private -V asteriskcreateUser zabbix SHA auth_password AES encryption_password
rouser zabbix priv -V asterisksysLocation NewVasuki
sysContact Vasya Pupkin <ya@pupkin.su>
sysObjectID . agentx
agentXSocket /var/agentx/master
agentXPerms 0660 0775 nobody asterisk
add asterisk MIB https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+MIB+Definitions
Vladimir -
Oscar Colka @PalMac,
Sorry, but I am not from Yeastar team, I can't answer you when they would support or whether they plan to support SNMP.
May I know what kind of information would you like to monitor? Usage of CPU, Memory?
Did you ever setup the event center on S PBX and use the event center to notify you when there are something wrong wit the device?
Mitchell R There is a reason SNMP is a standard protocol for monitoring devices.
@Oscar - the event notifications are useless if the devices cannot reach your mail server.
Also, if the device gets super bogged down, it stops responding and in-turn, doesn't send an alert.
Having an external monitoring service handles all these issues and more and that is exactly why we use SNMP.
All build in event centers on devices are effectively useless when the real s&&* hits the fan.
Yeastar should have implemented SNMP ages ago so that the devices can be monitored externally without having to rely on a 'cloud' solution.
This ticket has been going on since 2016 and not a single member from Yeastar has replied.
It shows their dedication to their clients... :(
Vladimir Blinov SNMP is not new in MyPbx. My old PBX :)
Модель:MyPBX-Standard V7Сборка:V7.00 0000-0000Версия ПО: -
Vladimir Blinov Mitchell R , I completely agree. Why remove snmp? This is the standard.
Is this a marketing ploy? Unsuccessful ... :( -
Ivan +1. We need SNMP support for local monitoring too!
PalMac Hi guys,
the people in development which not accept the base standards are really short sighted. Because not every from us accept cloud solutions for many reasons.
But for my customer which has Yeastar S50 was created simple script for collecting the mesaurements of CPU/RAM/STORAGE from monitoring server and generating graphs via rrdtool. Of course the script can be extended for any notification. If you are interested, let me know and I will upload it here.
Best Regards
Pavol -
Vladimir Blinov I hope SNMP will return
Lea L. SNMP available in the latest firmware!
Ivan Does S50 support SNMP too?
Vladimir Where is on PBX settings of SNMP?
Lea L. Apparently only for S100 and S300. I don't understand why S20 and S50 are not supported!
Pixy Tse Hi All,
Refer to the SNMP overview of S-Series PBX https://help.yeastar.com/en/s-series/topic/snmp-overview.html
Vladimir Where is list of queries the variables information (sTotalCalls, sinternalCalls, etc.)?