Is there any way to forward call to external number?
For example, when someone choose option 3 on IVR to transfer call to my mobile phone number
Oscar Colka Emir,
I have an idea for this, see below:
We can route the IVR's key action to an extension and setup the extension always forwarding to a mobile phone number. Then when people choose the option key, the call will be forwarded to the mobile phone number.
Emir Emir Hi Oscar,
Thank you for your replay,
but how can I setup always forward on extension forN412?
Oscar Colka See below screenshot, I capture this from -> N824, Not sure if it is same as N412, you can have a try:
Emir Emir It is working thank you.
But this only work if I select Connect to extension on IVR. |
When I do this in Queues, and add extension with this option, it won`t dial external number??
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