Hello guys i have a question the backup configuration file from an S50 can be put in an S100.
Hello guys i have a question the backup configuration file from an S50 can be put in an S100.
Yes, from the smaller one to bigger one(S20-> S50 -> S100 -> S300), backup configuration will works smoothly. - I would suggest you to test and feedback if possible.
If from bigger one to smaller one (S300-> S100 ->S50->S20), as bigger one has more capacity, those beyond the smaller one's settings will be ingore.
For example, if you restore a backup of S50(created 50 extensions) on S20, only 20 extensions settings will be restored. And I don't know if there will be any problem when doing this. - I never try this before. : )
PERFECT!!! thanks @Oscar Colka
Sorry to post in here but couldn't find the way to communicate with other members. Oscar Colka supported the development of a CTI Application, now we have the attention from Ina Tang (Product Manager from Yeastar Product Management Team) please go back and support the idea and spread the news, it will help the whole community. Below the link of the post.
Best regards
Hi I have 1 question.
Is it possible to put backup from U100 to S100?
I want to change my u100 to S100 and need to take a settings from u100 backup to s100.
Thanks a lot