How to Reset Web Login Password for S-Series and K2

This article applies for S-Series and K2.

Disclaimer: If Forget Password is not configured or not available when you need to reset password. The only way is to reset the device which would erase all data.

If you had done the email related settings before or during the configuration wizard, just skipped Step 1 & 2.

1.  Configure the email settings.

It's mandatory condition to make the Forget Password work.

So it's better do during the initial setup.



Also make sure the email test successful.


2. Bind the email for admin user. 

Click the person icon on the right top of home page.


Fill the email address you need for password recovery mail. It can be the same email address set in Step 1.


3. When you forgot your password, click the the Forget Password on the login web page.


Fill the the username/extension number - admin and the email address you'd set in Step 2. 


Wait for a few seconds, and check the mail box of the mail address for password recovery.

4. Recover the password.

You would receive a email with subject "Find Password".

Click the link as prompt.


Open the link in your browser, just input the new password to finish the recovery.

Note: the link is only available for local network access. Make sure you open the link by a local computer within the same segment network as the PBX. (Cloud PBX is exception.)



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  • 0

    hi, In my experience, I successfully logged in but I cannot remember what prompted and I just clicked ok then it logged out. Now im trying to relogin but pbx is saying incorrect username and password.

    does s50 password expire?

  • 0

    I have the same Issue, as if the password I use expire, what is the solution for this? I tried chrome, firefox and explorer

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