In MyPBX, you can format the incoming caller ID by modifying the configuration file via SSH. Before log in MyPBX via SSH, please enable SSH on MyPBX web GUI (System > Network Preferences > LAN Settings > Enable SSH).
In this guide, we show you how to add digit 0 on incoming caller ID for the BRI trunks.
STEP 1 Create an inbound route, name it “BRI”.
STEP 2 Login MyPBX via SSH. Edit the extensions.conf file by typing the command:
root@IPPBX:~# vi /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
STEP 3 Quick search the BRI inbound route by tying:
followed by the Enter key. Type n till the cursor move to [macro-incoming_BRI].
STEP 4 Add the following sentence:
exten = s,1,Set(CDR(userfield)=Inbound)
exten = s,n,Set(CALLERID(num)=${IF($[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})} < 10]?0${CALLERID(num)}:${CALLERID(num)})})
exten = s,n,GotoIf(${DB_EXISTS(blacklist/${CALLERID(num)})}?Blacklist-Handle,s,1)
exten = s,n,FindForMobile(${CALLERID(num)})
exten = s,n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${MobileToExten})}>1]?mobile-exten-match,${MobileToExten},1)
exten = s,n,Set(TRUNKDID=${IF($[${ARG2}=s]?${CALLERID(name)}:${ARG2})})
exten = s,n,GotoByTimeCondition(default,Always-Hangup,s,1,,Always-Hangup,s,1,,Always-Hangup,s,1,)
exten = s,102,Goto(Blacklist-Handle,s,1)
The added sentence means if the length of incoming CallerID is less than 9 (1 to 9), a digit 0 will be appended before this CallerID. For example, an incoming number that is presented like this: 123456 will be shown as 0123456.