About This Guide
Asternic Call Center Stats is a queue reporting solution to get the best breed and metrics available for the open-source Asterisk© PBX. If you have a Yeastar S series PBX embedded machine for your telephony solution, you can still use Asternic Call Center Stats to have good reporting on your queue activity. The only catch is that you must install Asternic on a separate Linux server as the little box does not have a robust and large enough permanent storage for the data.
So, first of all, you must have a Linux box ready with Apache, PHP and MySQL installed. You can use a virtual machine with at least 512Mb of RAM for that purpose. That should be enough for small/medium size call centers. If you have a large call center and have thousands of calls per day, then you need at least 2 GB of RAM.
In this guide, Linux server (Centos) has the IP address and the Yeastar S PBX has the IP address
Note that, this guide only applies to S-Series.
System Requirements
Asternic Call Center Stats PRO is a PHP application, encoded with ioncube. There are certain requirements to be met in order to successfully run the software.
Server Requirements:
On the server side, you need:
- A web server (Apache/Nginx)
- 32 or 64 bits Linux Operating System
- PHP 5.1 or above
- MySQL Server 5 or above
- ioncube Loader
It also has a log processing daemon that is written in Perl, and requires the Perl-Time-HiRes module to be installed. The log processing daemon should run on the background at all times, and it will feed any data that is written into the Asterisk queue log files in its own database.
Client Requirements
You access reports using your web browser. For a full experience, you have to use a modern one:
- Modern Web Browser (IE8 or above, Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox)
- Javascript enabled
Prepare the Linux server with LAMP
In this example, Centos 7 is recommended as it is with a higher level of compatibility and stability. You can install it first. LAMP stack is short for Linux, Apache web server, MySQL database and PHP. For more details, please refer to the article below:
Since all the commands could be found in the above article, I will just highlight some of the useful ones:
Step One — Install Apache
We can install Apache easily using CentOS's package manager, yum. A package manager allows us to install most software pain-free from a repository maintained by CentOS.
sudo yum install httpd
Since we are using a sudo command, these operations get executed with root privileges. It will ask you for your regular user's password to verify your intentions.
Afterwards, your web server is installed.
Once it installs, you can start Apache on your Linux server:
sudo systemctl start httpd.service
You can do a spot check right away to verify that everything went as planned by visiting your server's public IP address in your web browser (see the note under the next heading to find out what your public IP address is if you do not have this information already):
You will see the default CentOS 7 Apache web page, which is there for informational and testing purposes. It should look something like this:
If you see this page, then your web server is now correctly installed.
The last thing you will want to do is enable Apache to start on boot. Use the following command to do so:
sudo systemctl enable httpd.service
Step Two — Install MySQL (MariaDB)
Now that we have our web server up and running, it is time to install MariaDB, a MySQL drop-in replacement. MariaDB is a community-developed fork of the MySQL relational database management system. Basically, it will organize and provide access to databases where our site can store information.
Again, we can use yum to acquire and install our software. This time, we'll also install some other "helper" packages that will assist us in getting our components to communicate with each other:
sudo yum install mariadb-server mariadb
When the installation is complete, we need to start MariaDB with the following command:
sudo systemctl start mariadb
Now that our MySQL database is running, we want to run a simple security script that will remove some dangerous defaults and lock down access to our database system a little bit. Start the interactive script by running:
sudo mysql_secure_installation
The prompt will ask you for your current root password. Since you just installed MySQL, you most likely won’t have one, so leave it blank by pressing enter. Then the prompt will ask you if you want to set a root password. Go ahead and enter Y, and follow the instructions:
Enter current password for root (enter for none):
OK, successfully used password, moving on...
Setting the root password ensures that nobody can log into the MariaDB
root user without the proper authorization.
New password: password
Re-enter new password: password
Password updated successfully!
Reloading privilege tables..
... Success!
For the rest of the questions, you should simply hit the "ENTER" key through each prompt to accept the default values. This will remove some sample users and databases, disable remote root logins, and load these new rules so that MySQL immediately respects the changes we have made.
The last thing you will want to do is enable MariaDB to start on boot. Use the following command to do so:
sudo systemctl enable mariadb.service
At this point, your database system is now set up and we can move on.
Step Three — Install PHP
PHP is the component of our setup that will process code to display dynamic content. It can run scripts, connect to our MySQL databases to get information, and hand the processed content over to our web server to display.
We can once again leverage the yum system to install our components. We're going to include the php-mysql package as well:
sudo yum install php php-mysql
This should install PHP without any problems. We need to restart the Apache web server in order for it to work with PHP. You can do this by typing this:
sudo systemctl restart httpd.service
If we decided that php-fpm is something that we need, we could type:
sudo yum install php-fpm
Step Four — Test PHP Processing on your Web Server
In order to test that our system is configured properly for PHP, we can create a very basic PHP script.
We will call this script info.php. In order for Apache to find the file and serve it correctly, it must be saved to a very specific directory, which is called the "web root".
In CentOS 7, this directory is located at /var/www/html/. We can create the file at that location by typing:
sudo vi /var/www/html/info.php
This will open a blank file. We want to put the following text, which is valid PHP code, inside the file:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
When you are finished, save and close the file.
If you are running a firewall, run the following commands to allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic:
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https
sudo firewall-cmd –reload
Now we can test whether our web server can correctly display content generated by a PHP script. To try this out, we just have to visit this page in our web browser. You'll need your server's public IP address again.
The address you want to visit will be:
The page that you come to should look something like this:
This page basically gives you information about your server from the perspective of PHP. It is useful for debugging and to ensure that your settings are being applied correctly.
If this was successful, then your PHP is working as expected.
Finally, please double check if you can found this info with ionCube PHP loader (enabled), if not, you will need to install it. If you use Centos7, it’s installed when PHP is installed. This is very important for Asternic.
You probably want to remove this file after this test because it could actually give information about your server to unauthorized users. To do this, you can type this:
sudo rm /var/www/html/info.php
You can always recreate this page if you need to access the information again later.
Installing Asternic on Linux Server
Follow the steps below for an installation. Basically download, extract and run "make".
yum -y install wget
cd /usr/src
wget http://download.asternic.net/asternic-stats-pro-2.2.2.tgz
Please ensure your CentOS server has network connection, otherwise you cannot download via wget command. Alternatively, you may download ‘asternic-stats-pro-2.2.2.tgz’ via link http://www.asternic.net/download.php and then upload to Linus server via SFTP tool under path /usr/src.
tar zxvf asternic-stats-pro-2.2.2.tgz
cd asternic-stats-pro-2.2.2
You must know beforehand the MySQL root password in order for the installation to succeed. The database and tables need to be created, and you must enter that password when prompted. Otherwise, installation will be partial and not working.
The installation script above will do several things:
- Check if the software is already installed, if so it will abort and exit
- Check if the database qstats exists, if so, it will abort and exit.
- It will check the ionCube loader for your platform and PHP version
- It will install an init script for the asterniclog parser daemon
- It will install the perl-Time-HiRes module
- It will create a MySQL database and tables named 'qstats'
- It will install both the parselog tool in /usr/local/parselog and the web application in /var/www/html/stats
Be sure to change owner of html directory to the same user your web server is running as. That user might change depending on your linux distribution of choice,
For Centos distribution, it could be the user ‘apache’
chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/stats/
For Ubuntu distribution it could be the user 'www-data'
chown www-data.www-data /var/www/html/stats/ -R
Since Centos has a little issue about the privilege, we need to disable selinux.
vi /etc/selinux/config
Change the content like this:
Save it and reboot the system to take effect.
As this is a standalone Linux box with no Asterisk installation in it, you will have to create the asterisk log directory by hand like this:
mkdir /var/log/asterisk
That's it. You completed the Asternic server side of things. Now you can login the asterinic login page by http://your_server_IP_address/stats
Configuration of S series PBX
You will have to perform some configuration on the Yeastar S series PBX, some directly via command line, login into it via SSH, and some via the web interface:
Enable the queue log and AMI used by Asternic
Login web interface of Yeastar S PBX, enable SSH and AMI, you can set the user name and password as your wish, it’s used for AMI connection. You need to input Linux server’s IP or IP range to permitted list like this. When done, save it and apply changes on web.
Login PBX through SSH using default port 8022.
Username: support
Password: iyeastar
vi /ysdisk/support/customcfg/logger_custom.conf
Save it then do apply changes on web to make it take effective.
If you have calls arrive in queue, you will find the queue_log in folder /ysdisk/syslog
You can view the full contents with the command below:
cat /ysdisk/syslog/queue_log
Create SSH key
We will use a neat trick to replicate the queue_log from the Yeastar S PBX into our Linux server. For that we will use passwordless SSH. So again, inside the Yeastar S PBX run these commands to create an SSH key:
mkdir /ysdisk/support/tmp/.ssh
chmod 0700 /ysdisk/support/tmp/.ssh
cd /ysdisk/support/tmp/.ssh
dropbearkey -t rsa -f id_rsa
chmod 0600 id_rsa
Now we must retrieve the public identity just created, use this command to print it out on screen:
dropbearkey -y -f /ysdisk/support/tmp/.ssh/id_rsa | grep "^ssh-rsa"
You will have to copy the output and then paste it inside the file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys on your Linux server(Asternic). So be sure to open that file in the Linux server and paste the contents produced by the above command into it.
mkdir /root/.ssh
chmod 0700 /root/.ssh
vi /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
Once that's done, you can test if the connection works by running this command inside the Yeastar S PBX (in this example is Linux server IP)
ssh -y -i /ysdisk/support/tmp/.ssh/id_rsa root@
That should connect you to the Linux box with no password prompts. If that is ok be sure to close that session by typing "exit" to return to the Yeastar CLI. As for the error inside the screen shot, just ignore that.
Start the Log replication on Yeastar
We will use the extensibility options the Yeastar S PBX provides via custom scripts. First, we create a script to startup a new command when the box boots up, named /ysdisk/support/add.sh:
vi /ysdisk/support/add.sh
Write this content in that file, via vi insertion mode (i)
chmod +x /ysdisk/support/tmp/asterniclog
/ysdisk/support/tmp/asterniclog &
Save the file and exit (:wq)
Now we will create a script to actually feed log updates on the remote server by creating a script /ysdisk/support/tmp/asterniclog:
vi /ysdisk/support/tmp/asterniclog
With this content, be sure to set vi in insert mode (i)
# wait for system initialize
sleep 60
# initialize asternic process
tail -f /ysdisk/syslog/queue_log | ssh -y -i /ysdisk/support/tmp/.ssh/id_rsa root@ "cat >>/var/log/asterisk/queue_log" &
sleep 5
# periodic asternic process check
while true
ASNcheck=`ps aux |grep "id_rsa" | grep -v "grep" | wc -l`
if [ $ASNcheck -eq 0 ];then
date >> $logfile
echo ">>>> Asternic Log Push is dead, restart" >> $logfile
pid="`ps -ef|grep 'tail -f'|grep -v grep|awk '{print$1}'|head -n 1`"
if [ ! -z "$pid" ];then
echo "kill old tail" >> $logfile
kill -9 $pid
tail -f /ysdisk/syslog/queue_log | ssh -y -i /ysdisk/support/tmp/.ssh/id_rsa root@ "cat >>/var/log/asterisk/queue_log" &
echo ">>>> Asternic Log Push is still alive, pass"
sleep 30
Save the file and exit (:wq)
Finally, you will have to reboot the Yeastar S PBX for all the changes to take effect. When done, the queue_log will be synced to linux server every 60 seconds.
You can check the queue log as well via linux server
ls /var/log/asterisk -al
If you want to view the full contents, use the command below to do so
cat /var/log/asterisk/queue_log
Manager real-time view
In order for Asternic real-time view to work, we have enable the AMI and allow the Linux server IP to access. Then we need to edit config.php and set the correct manager_user, manager_secret and manager_host.
vi /var/www/html/stats/config.php
Save it, then restart the Asternic with the command below:
[root@localhost /]# service asterniclog restart
Restarting asterniclog (via systemctl): [ OK ]
Enjoy the perfect call center solution
Login asternic’s web interface by http://your_server_IP/stats
You can apply for trial license for 30 days. Then you can login using default username and password.
Default username: admin
Default password: admin
Choose the queue and agent number you want, then click Display Report
The following page will present you with a detailed queue report
If there is incoming call arrived, under Agent Status section, State status will change from Not in use (refer to Figure 1) to Ringing (refer to Figure 2) and then Busy (refer to Figure 3).
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3