Console Access Setup for Yeastar Devices


First of all, you need a console cable. It is different for each model. Please refer to the following table to select the right console cable. Or check with Yeastar technical support to confirm.

Console Cable  Model
RS232 - TTL S20, S50, N412, TA100/200, TG400v3, TA1600v3/2400v3/3200v3, TA1610v3, P550
RS232 - 10 pin SOHO,TG100,TA400/800, TA410/810
RS232 - 5 pin Standard, TG200v2, TG400v2.
RS232 - RJ45

U100,U200,U300, U5XX, S100, S300, TG800v2, TG1600v2, TA1610v2, TA1600v2/2400v2/3200v2, N824, TE100, TE200, TB200/400, P560, P570

The console cable is not within the origin pack. So you have to purchase one or make one by yourself. Or if you are good at electrical, we could share pinout schema for you.

Console Cable Appearance and Pinout

  • RS232(DB9) - TTL


  • RS232(DB9) -10 pin


  • RS232(DB9) - 5 pin


  • RS232(DB9) - RJ45


Connection Setup

  • RS232 Converter

If your PC can't support RS232(COM) port, you would need a converter which can convert RS232 to USB, like the following figure.


  • Console Cable Connection

1. Example of RS232 - RJ45. RJ45 interface is plugged-in to Console port.


2. Example of RS232 - TTL. Note that, for S20 the 4pin interface should be connected to the SYS UART.


3. Example of RS232 - 10 pin. Note that the pinout sequence should be matched on both sides. Watch out the pinout number printed on the device motherboard and the  console cable board.


4. Example of RS232 - 5 pin. Note that the pinout sequence should be matched. Watch out the pinout number printed on the device motherboard.


  • COM Port Check

Check the communications port detail in Device Manager of your computer:


  • Enter Console Interface

1. Download putty software from this link:

2. Input the COM port you checked in Device Manager, and select "Serial" as connection type after you execute putty.exe. Change the Speed according to the following table and hit Enter.

Baud Rate Speed Model
57600 Except the models below
115200 S-Series, N412, TA100/200, TGv3



3. Input the username and password. The default username and password of S-series is support & iyeastar, all of other models use root & ys123456.


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  • 0

    Is there console access for the S412?

  • 0

    You can log into the S Series with support and iyeastar. However you are unable to do anything as root permission is required.

    I understand that Yeastar R&D would have to connect to find the root password

  • 0

    hola, intenso logearme  por cable pero me  no reconoce password, 

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